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Do You Remember ?

Test Your Memory With Some Class of 1974 Trivia Questions

1.       Who won the Dance Marathon ?

2.       What were the names of the 3 Operettas ?

3.       Class of 74 was the first St. Phils team to win what ? 

4.       Who were the Class Student Council Officers ?

5.       Who were the Class Representatives ?

6.       Who were the 7th & 8th grade Teachers ?

7.       Who were the lower grade Teachers ?

8.       How much was a soft pretzel in 1974 ?

9.       How much was a carton of milk in 1974 ?

10.     Who was the May Queen ?

11.     Who used to bark at the opposing team during the game ?

12.     Whose nickname was Fossil ?

13.     Whose nickname was Frenchie ? 

14.     Which teacher would say "Listen Up" ? 

15.     Who would say "Keep in mind your values" ?  

16.     Which student joined our class in Jan 74 ? 

17.     Who coached Girls Basketball ?  

18.     Who coached Track ?  

19.     Which girls represented us at Penn Relays in 6th Grade ? 

20.     Which two parents were the Brownie Leaders ?  

21.     Which parents were Cub Scout Leaders ? 

22.     Who was the school nurse ? 

23.     Which classmate had the most siblings in grades below us ?  

24.     Which student split his pants at recess and refused to go back to class ? 

25.     Why did we go to Washington in Jan 1974 ? 

26.     Which student was held out the boys bathroom window ? 

27.     Which student passed around his brother's knee cap in a jar ? 

28.     Which student was an accomplished swimmer ? 

29.     Who lived closest to school ?

30.     Which student(s) came from the largest family ?  

31.     Who won Most Valuable Cheerleader ?                       

32.    Which 3 girls received scholarships to high schools ?  

33.    What was the date of our 8th grade Graduation ?

34.    Who developed the pictures for our yearbook ?

35.    Who had a crush on Mr. McCloud ?  

36.    Who had a crush on Mr. Vetter ? 

37.    What was our school mascot name ?  

38.    Who drew the mascot picture which was painted on the floor of Marian Hall ?

39.    Which student was in a serious accident outside of Marian Hall ? 

40.    Which teacher introduced us to the Rock Opera Tommy by the Who?

41.     Who had us analyze Bridge Over Troubled Water ?

42.     Which teacher introduced us to Serendipity Day ?

43.     Who’s nickname was Noodles ?

44.     Who’s nickname was Rabbit ?

45.     Who was the youngest person ?

46.     What famous Lansdowne Landmark did we all have to draw 

47.     What movie did we walk to the Lansdowne Theatre to see ?

48.     What was the 6th Grade Class Trip ?

49.     Where was the Safety Picnic ?

50.     Who was the Principal ?

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